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ING Miami Marathon

Juan Carlos Gonzalez did an amazing job. 3 new children were sponsored for a full year thanks to his effort.


On April 7, we presented this ministry at Gladeview Baptist Church in Miami. 13 new sponsors joined His Children International on that day. We currently have a total of 50 sponsored children.


The Lord is opening amazing doors. We will start operating in 5 new communities beginning in January,2014. We have partnered with 3 new Churches, and we will start serving very poor communities. Most of these people have no electricity, sewage service, and live in very precarious conditions. Water is delivered twice a week in some of these communities. These are dangerous places where gang members, drug dealers,and even hired killers live. They are also home to innocent children. We visited these communities in June, and we will be working with amazing people who are committed, as we are, to making a difference in the lives of these children and their families. 415 children have already been enrolled in our program, and are waiting to find a sponsor by the end of 2013. It is a huge challenge, but we are trusting our Lord.